Featuring 40+ storefronts, this BIA-wide campaign in Riverside and Leslievlle is a fun way to get into the holiday spirit while supporting local businesses and artists.
Get Ready For it on December 12th…the Riverside Vintage Crawl is back, Holiday style! Don't miss holiday shopping, treats and festive tunes, local raffle and more!
Now in its 13th year, the Riverside Antler Breakfast is raising funds in support of the year-round operation of Fontbonne Ministries’ Food Program at their Mustard Seed location (791 Queen St E). Come join the fun on Friday December 13th, 8-10am! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW The Antler Breakfast is our annual festive community fundraiser and... Read more »
This holiday season, the Riverside BIA and Leslieville BIA invite you to visit 45+ holiday windows by local artists on storefronts along Queen E from Davies to Vancouver Ave