Riverside BIA Member Services at a Glance – ways we help grow the neighbourhood and your business:
- Media profile via Riverside Weekly E-news (sign up at the bottom of our homepage), blogs, news releases, news outlets (e.g. Snapd, blogTO, NOW)
- Profile via Social Media: Riverside BIA Twitter: @riversideBIA, Facebook: /RiversideTO, Instagram: riverside_bia – join the conversation using #RiversideTO
- Online Directory of Riverside Businesses and Community Services
- Marketing the area & your business through community events (e.g. Riverside Common markets)
- Weekly Graffiti Removal (up to 10ft back from the curb along Queen St E)
- Seasonal decoration/programming (e.g. Window Wonderland) and neighbourhood enhancements (e.g. banners, Bridge lighting)
- Community streetscape enhancements (e.g. public art) and partnership with City of Toronto on Streetscape elements (e.g. tree pits, bicycle racks, transit shelters, benches)
- Capital Infrastructure projects (e.g. Bridge lighting, Banners) and access to Grants (e.g. Façade Improvement Grant, Mural Grant)
- Strong connection to local MP, MPP and Councillor offices
- Grant opportunities (e.g. City of Toronto Commercial Facade Grant)
- Value added Community partnerships (e.g. TABIA)
- Corporate Discounts for BIA members (e.g. Staples advantage membership, Tourism Toronto membership, Zipcar), everyday great rates from recommended printers (MLB,Tristone), flyer delivery services (Reliable, Blunt)
- Opportunity to get involved in your community through Committees and the Board of Directors
Online Resources/guidelines for your business:
- DIGITAL MAIN STREET – Helping small main street businesses go digital
- ENTERPRISE TORONTO – A toolkit for a small or a startup business
- FILMING IN TORONTO – Register your location on the OMDC’s Film Location Database to be contacted for film shoots
Don’t know if you are a Riverside BIA member? Check out our boundaries map or contact us