This is a story from Lynne Patterson, resident in Toronto’s Riverside neighbourhood since 1991 and one of the Riverside BIA’s original and longstanding volunteers. Lynne is moving away from the area after 29 years and we are pleased to include a story from her as part of this ‘Riverside 40 Years, 40 Stories ‘series.
Posts Categorized: 40 Years
Humans of Riverside: OMAR’s Story
Omar Barakzay is the business owner of Pizzaiolo in Riverside and he has a story to share about FAMILY. Read his story as part of the “Humans of Riverside: Giving Voice and Making Space for BIPOC” and featured as part of the STEPS Mainstreet Art Challenge in Riverside BIA.
Humans of Riverside: GRACE’s Story
Grace Cameron is a locally-based writer and editor, and she has a story to share about being UNSTOPPABLE. Read her story as part of the “Humans of Riverside: Giving Voice and Making Space for BIPOC” and featured as part of the STEPS Mainstreet Art Challenge in Riverside BIA.
Humans of Riverside: DREW’s Story
Drew Dopwell has been a Maintenance staff with the Riverside BIA for many years and has a story to share about being a FOODIE. Read his story as part of the “Humans of Riverside: Giving Voice and Making Space for BIPOC” and featured as part of the STEPS Mainstreet Art Challenge in Riverside BIA.
Humans of Riverside: CHARLENE’s Story
Charlene Forde is a community kitchen user and teaches cooking classes at the local Ralph Thornton Community Centre, and has a story to share about a family LEGACY. Read her story as part of the “Humans of Riverside: Giving Voice and Making Space for BIPOC” and featured as part of the STEPS Mainstreet Art Challenge in Riverside BIA.