Doing The Ordinary Extraordinarily: 25 Years of Fontbonne Ministries

Built on compassion by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto, Fontbonne Ministries believes that everyone deserves a life well lived. Through their programs, they aim to address pressing issues affecting so many in society such as lack of proper housing and food insecurity.

This is a big year for many not-for-profit organizations in Riverside so this month, we’re putting the spotlight on community services in the neighbourhood — from youth programs to free/affordable resources – leading up to our annual community clean up on April 25th!

For 25 years now, Fontbonne Ministries’ Mustard Seed site has been doing ordinary things with extraordinary care for the community in Riverside and beyond, from a hot meal to a cozy bed to a listening ear. Read on to know more about their amazing programs at 791 Queen St E in Riverside:

Good Food Market

A program in collaboration with FoodShare Toronto, the Good Food Market makes fresh local produce accessible and affordable for those most impacted by food security in the Riverside and Leslieville neighbourhoods. The markets happens every Wednesday (2 p.m.-4 p.m) in front of the Fontbonne Ministries building from spring-fall, and inside the building at 791 Queen E during the winter.

Clothing Boutique

Through community donations, the Clothing Boutique provides clothing year-round  to seniors, newcomers and individuals in precarious living conditions. The program aims to ensure that everyone has the essentials to be comfortable and healthy, especially during the cold Toronto winters.

Breakfast Program

As grocery prices continue to increase and more and more people experience food insecurity, Fontbonne Ministries helps to alleviate this problem by providing nutritious breakfast options to those in need five days a week. Every year, thousands of meals are served to community members in need. Fun fact: in 2024, the Riverside BIA and local businesses began supporting this incredibly essential local programming through the Riverside Antler Breakfast!

Fontbonne Place

Located at 791 Queen St E, Fontbonne Place and its 18 affordable apartments are a haven for older women who would otherwise be homeless or inadequately housed due to Toronto’s housing crisis. Residents also get to participate in activities organized by Mustard Seed, another key program of Fontbonne Ministries.

Friendly Visiting

Formerly called In Good Company, Friendly Visiting is all about providing a sense of companionship to isolated individuals in need of emotional and social support through conversations, social outings, and phone calls with volunteers. Before being matched with a participant, volunteers undergo screening and training to be well-equipped for this program. 

Volunteer and Donate

Whether it’s a financial contribution or a lending hand, any form of help is always appreciated at Fontbonne Ministries:

  • Send an email to or call 416-465-2889 Ext. 2631 to get in touch with a representative. 
  • Donations can be made online, by cheque or in kind. Click here for more information on how to donate.
  • Follow @fontbonneministries on Instagram or check the Fontbonne Ministries website for more information.

We release a new blog every week so be sure to follow @riverside_bia on Instagram so you’re always updated. In the meantime, check out previous entries of our community blog series here and here!

Photo credit: Fontbonne Ministries