Brightworks Lights up Riverside!


brightworks_logoThe corner of Broadview and Queen Street East just got a little brighter.

After almost a decade in King West, Brightworks, a growing full-service, multi-media, award-winning advertising agency founded by president Neil Follett, moved east to set up shop right here in Riverside.   The Riverside BIA caught up with Neil and was able to get some insight into what makes him and Brightworks tick, why they moved to Riverside from King west and how they are helping build the Neighbourhood and give back.

Neil Follet Brightworks

Neil Follet, President Brightworks


Why did Brightworks want to set up shop in Riverside?

“The reasons for the move came from both the head and the heart. Logically it just made sense. “I always knew there’d come a day when we’d outgrow our existing space and that day finally came.”.  Enter Riverside….The reality is there’s an amazing opportunity to get a lot more space for a lot less than what you’d pay in other parts of the city. Plus, it’s a thriving community exploding with growth and culture. Look around you – not only are you surrounded by great stores, restaurants and patios but you’re still incredibly accessible to the downtown core.”

Is there a good fit with Riverside and the Business of Advertising:

“Riverside is not exactly known as an advertising hub. Not like King West. So I was nervous to make the move. But the more people I talked to, the more they reminded me that Brightworks is a different kind of agency and moving to Riverside was consistent with being a leader and not a follower.”


Can you tell us a bit about this beautiful space you are in at 100 Broadview – Riverside’s Flagship Corner of Queen & Broadview?

“Not only could Brightworks find the square footage needed for its growing number of employees, but we could also renovate and shape the space into the kind of atmosphere I always envisioned for his company. I saw this space as a 13,000 square foot blank canvas where we could create a space that would inspire collaboration and creativity but also where you could relax and entertain. We wanted a “Home away from Home” feeling.

Riverside Mag Briteworks photos Corner of Broadview1

Our newly renovated space blends raw industrial materials with warm, almost cottage-like touches.  I like the way natural materials like wood offset the raw concrete and exposed ceilings  We also have a newly renovated modern kitchen and lunch area, a pool table and two free vending machines; one that dispenses snacks and the other, beer. We are proud of our collection of art and this  new office was a great reason to bring in more work from Canadian artists.”

Can you describe the environment at Brightworks?

“Brightworks has always tried to create an environment that is open and supportive and fun – even within the daily turmoil of deadlines, projects and challenges the advertising industry faces. It’s a very stressful job, that’s why it’s so important that our work environment looks professional, but feels comfortable. We’re loving it here and are proud to be a part of this thriving and growing neighbourhood.”

Riverside Mag Briteworks Corner of Broadview2

  Riverside Mag Corner of Broadview3How have you connected with the Riverside Community?

We believe in building communities and giving back.  When we were asked to help light up the Riverside Bridge, we immediately stepped up as a sponsor.  Riverside will be on the world stage this summer when Toronto hosts the Pan Am Games.  The Riverside Bridge will be a lasting legacy, and we are happy to have played a small part of this,


What is your involvement with the  StopGap Ramp Project?


First, let me tell you about the project.  The StopGap Ramp project helps disabled people access Toronto businesses, by providing ramps to businesses that have a step at the entrance making them accessible for people in wheelchairs to enter unassisted.

The man behind this project is Luke Anderson.  I met him after I had invited Luke to speak at an Innovation Event I had hosted.  Immediately, I was captivated by him.  Luke is a structural engineer who uses a wheelchair and has dealt with steps going in and out of his workplace  for five years.  The idea for StopGap came to him while commiserating with a colleague about those steps. (There’s a concrete ramp there now installed by the building owners.)

Luke wanted to raise awareness to problems like that and to get the conversation started about this issue across the city.    Luke organized a team of volunteers to make the ramps, with materials donated by local hardware stores and StopGap Ramp Project was  formed.   Luke has done more than get the conversation started – he has created a very cheap, efficient solution that might be the answer to the mom and pop shops.  It is incredible what one person can do.

When I met Luke, heard his story, I had to do my part.  With Luke as the inspiration, we created Ramp Up 2015 – Stop Gap’s First Fund-raiser

Wow – Tell Me More about Ramp-Up?

Mark May 29th on your calendars and come out and enjoy cocktails, fantastic eats from local restaurateurs, and live entertainment. Help make an impact on people’s lives and support accessibility for all. Bring your wallet to bid on a selection of 24 custom painted ramps, uniquely illustrated and decorated by local artists. Funds will go directly to help Stop Gap Community Ramp Project to achieve their Goal of bringing a Community Ramp Project to six different Ontario communities this Summer.  Visit Here for more info and tickets.  We hope to see you there!


Thanks Neil for taking the time to share with Riverside!  We wish you success and thank-you for your contributions to Riverside!

stopgap rampup